St. Patrick’s Day Almost 5K , My favorite After Race Treat



This past weekend I ran my first 5K for 2019. So I thought! When I crossed the finish line in 23:30 I was elated…for a split second anyhow?. After all, that’s a respectable time for anyone, but espeically for someone in their late 50’s.

Once I caught my breath again, I politely asked a fellow runner, “was this a true 5K?” He replied, “No, they actually sent out emails yesterday saying due to ice, the course would be shortened about 200 meters.”

I think he saw the disappointment in my face and than reassured me it was very close however. Since I registered race day morning, I didn’t receive the email. So for just a SPLIT second I was rejoicing in my time and a possible Personal Best in my age group (50-59).

Everyone Adored my Shoes including ME!

Lets face it, 5K’s are hard! You’re uncomfortable the ENTIRE way. I’ve come to the conclusion I may be one of those lazy marathoners who prefers running 26.2 miles verses racing a 5K, which is why I don’t run to many.

My first mile was about a 7:48 pace, when I wasn’t climbing a hill or dodging ice that is! I actually didn’t feel too bad. Which goes to show I probably could have run a tad faster? I told myself at the start of the race I’d hang at about 8 minute miles thinking that’s my limit. WHY? Because I think I am scared or not really interested in being in pain for 3.2 miles?.

My last mile was harder than my first that is for sure. I was still running sub 8’s, except up a hill, but I was breathing harder! I couldn’t wait to be done. Once I climbed that last hill and turned the corner and saw the finish, I pumped my arms as fast as I could hoping my legs would follow. Luckily they did ?!

My watch told me I was running that last stretch at 7:38 pace. The volunteer said….“nice run” I said, “Damn these are harder than running 26.2!” She looked at me like I was crazy or something. Maybe she’s not a marathoner?.

Post Race Treat…..a YUMMY pastry with Dark Roast Organic Coffee ?

In any case, I found my husband and we went on our merry way for the most delicious post race treat ever! I never drink coffee before I run so you can imagine how good a cup of coffee tasted! My ultimate favorite treat after any race distance is a good cup of organic dark roast coffee and a sinfully delicious pastry. Although in Rome, it was pizza?.

Pleased with my time. especially on tired legs on a hilly and icy course!

While we were enjoying our brunch Rob suggested we check out where I ended up in my age group. And I was really curious just how far I actually did run. Unlike my 10K mis-hap where I took a wrong turn, this was a bit different!

Anyhow I finished 3rd in my age group out of 78 women. We actually ran 4.75 Kilometers. What did I learn? Maybe it was good I didn’t know about the shortened course. I may have stayed home and missed out on a really fun date day and night with my husband. And besides, I can still bust out a pretty decent 5K. Of course, my type A personality is trying to calculate how much longer it would have taken me to run .15 miles……Rob says about 30 seconds? Does it matter? NO not really. Remember, don’t sweat the small stuff!. Have FUN! Don’t be afraid to let go even though it may HURT. I ran a damn good race and I no one can take that away from me…..

How would you react if you thought you ran a 5K but come to find out, you didn’t due to weather?

What’s your favorite distance to run or race?

Have you ever F’d up a race?

What’s harder. A 5K or a marathon?

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