Sprouted Blueberry Oats, When is it Too Hot for a Hot Cup of Jo & Oatmeal? Over Night Oats~Hot or Cold?

How hot does it have to be before you decide it’s time for a cold brew verses hot coffee? And do you prefer you’re over night oats hot or cold? In my opinion, hot coffee and a nice warm bowl of oats is good no matter the temperature outside!

Paused to take a quick photo half way into my #longrunFriday. New Scoring Pattern for my next bread? Possibly!

It’s been one humid summer here in MN but I honestly love summer either way. Here in MN it’s common that our winters drag on forever, but with the blink of an eye, summer is half over?.

With that being said, the high dew points have made my runs a bit more challenging. Again I am not complaining because it beats running in 20 below zero! In this heat I simply slow down and make sure I have an extra glass of electrolyte drink before I head out the door.

I was definitley happy to see my husband when I finished up my last long run Friday. He handed me a big glass of ice water almost immediately, which truthfully I thought about pouring over my head. For the majority of my run I was blessed with clouds and a breeze but my last couple miles were brutal after the sun popped out?.

Does anyone else sweat feel like they are sweating even more profusely when they are done running? OMG…I can’t believe how much the sweat continued to pour out of my pores as I tried to cool down.

These are as yummy as they look!

A good 30 minutes later I finally toweled off and was ready for my first cup of coffee and post run brunch. I’ve never been someone whose appetite is affected by the weather. I love a refreshing post workout smoothie, or bowl, a hot cup of coffee, and sometimes a runny egg or a hot bowl of oats after a long run.

Sprouted Blueberry Oats topped with Cashew Butter, Cocao nibs, & more fresh Blueberries

When it’s this hot, a nutritious smoothie and a hot bowl of oats is the best of both worlds?. I have never been a fan of cold over night oats. I am not sure if it’s the texture or if it’s because I grew up eating my oatmeal hot? I think I tired them cold once and decided never again.

I made these oats with my fresh Michigan blueberries, cashew milk, and a splash of vanilla. In this post I talk a little about the benefits of soaking oats but recently I discovered sprouted oats and I love them! Because they are all ready sprouted, you don’t necessarily need to soak them, but it certainly won’t hurt anything and your oats are done faster too!

Does your spoon do this when you make your oats….The thicker the better!

Have you ever tried adding blueberries to your oats while cooking them? Seriously a game changer! They turn your oats a vibrant purple color and the blueberries are sweet enough no additional sweetener is needed. Cook your oats briefly before adding your blueberries and next, smash several of them as your porridge continues to cook. They melt into the oats sooooo nicely! Cook them to your desired consistency…mine always passes the spoon test?.
You could top this bowl with just about anything but I think nut butter, cocao nibs, & more fresh blueberries are all you need.



  • 1/2 cup oats, sprouted or soaked
  • 1 cup water or plant milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
  • 1 scoop Shaklee French Vanilla Protein (optional)
  • nut butter, cocoa nibs, fresh blueberries (optional)


  1. Remember to soak you’re oats the night before or use sprouted oats.
  2. Bring your desired milk and oats to a low boil. Simmer for a minute or two.
  3. Add blueberries, flax meal, vanilla, and optional protein. Simmer a few more minutes or too desired consistency. Don’t forget to smash some of our blueberries so they melt into your oats.
  4. Top with your favorite toppings.

How do you like your over night oats…hot or cold?

What is your favorite toppings for your oats?

Do you use electrolyte drinks when you run when it’s really steamy outside?

What is your favorite season?

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