The Ultimate and Creamiest Protein Oats, Lazy Sunday Brunch, Post Long Run Meal

Say hello to my lazy day Sunday Brunch and most often my post run meal ~ The Creamiest Protein Oats Ever!

Blueberrylicious Creamy Oats

It may be warm, but don’t pass up on these creamy protein oats. Creamy oatmeal has tons of healthy benefits and is good any time of year. Plus, you don’t have to eat it piping hot!

There are literally dozens of studies showing that whole grains (especially oatmeal) are full of nutrition, and have all kinds of healthy benefits.

Oatmeal Nutrition (are you Taking Noats?)

In this post I chat more about the health benefits but here is a good Macro breakdown ~

  • Carbs: oats are very low in fast-burning sugars like sucrose (table sugar). In fact, their carbohydrate content is mostly starch that is either slowly-digested or not digested at all! This is great for long-lasting energy and gut health and is also why it’s such a good pre marathon fuel for so many runners.
  • Fiber: when comparing nutrition, oats have more soluble fiber than any other whole grain, which is what makes oatmeal so creamy! The major soluble fiber in oats is beta-glucan. This nutrient can help lower bad cholesterol and reduce blood sugar levels after a “carby” meal! Beta-glucans also boost the sensation of fullness.
  • Protein: the protein content in oats is higher than most other grains. They are naturally gluten-free (but if you can’t tolerate gluten, check that your oats were processed in a gluten-free facility). To boost the protein in my oats, I also add a scoop of my favorite protein and most often cook them in unsweetened Pea Milk which also has 9 grams of protein per serving! These are my favorite.
  • Nutrients: oats are also packed with everything from antioxidants to vitamins.

Overall, oats are just a great choice, agree? They keep your heart healthy, help fight diabetes, manage your gut health, and are a delicious quick breakfast choice.

Yup – oats are BADASS!!!

Select your Oats

I always use sprouted oats, but if you can’t get your hands on them, just soak your oats the night before. If I remember and or if I have more time, I sometimes go for steel cut oats. The one I NEVER use is instant oats. I don’t mind them in baked goods or protein bites, but rarely do I use them or to be honest, have them in my pantry.

Cooking Oats

No matter which type of oats I use, I do this

  • Add a pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt. No matter how sweet you like your oats, a little salt adds depth and makes everything more delicious!
  • Cook oats in non dairy milk. Cooking oats is water is fine, but I love using unsweetened pea milk because it adds a little more protein. Also, add a splash of whatever plant milk you like at the end, just before you eat. I’ve also made my oats in a mixture of water and coconut cream.
  • Liquid ratio. We use 1 part oats to 2 parts liquid. You can adjust later if the mixture is too thick (add more water) or too thin (cook longer). The longer they cook, the creamier they get. I most often add more water (not more milk) as they cook.
  • Wait until the water boils. Then add the oats. This way they don’t sit around getting gluey. No one likes that!).
  • Turn it down. You want to simmer, not boil, the oats. This is because a full boil ruins their structure (again, gluey oats = gross).
  • Stir in optional protein and keep stirring. I stir in my favorite protein while they are simmering. Remember to give the oats an occasional stir to help release those creamy starches. It also helps avoid burning. Stir a lot for creamy oats, stir a little for chewy oats
The creamiest oats ever…I like to add flax meal to my oats

The Tasty Finish

The options for toppings are truly endless. Since I just received a boat load of wild blueberries from Michigan, I opted to finish this bowl off with my signature warmed up blueberries with a little more coconut cream. You can also use vegan yogurt or cream cheese instead of the coconut cream! Honestly, anything goes because the it’s so mild and easy to dress up with your favorite toppings.

Cool Protein Cinnamon Nice Cream with Warm Creamy Oats are also AMAZING!

Sometimes I skip the protein in my oats and serve them with protein nice cream on top especially after a hot and humid long run Friday! The warm oats and cold nice cream are a match made in heaven! Here’s a list of some of my favorite toppings

Phew! So there you go – creamy oatmeal – a healthy, vegan and gluten-free breakfast. I hope you enjoy the benefits of a hearty oatmeal breakfast like this one…..and it helps you achieve great things! I can’t wait to see your oat bowls!



  • Heaping half cup sprouted oats
  • 1 cup unsweetened pea milk (any dairy free works)
  • pinch sea salt
  • More water to desired consistency
  • 2 tbsp heavy coconut cream
  • optional add ins: 1 tablespoon flax, 1/4 tsp vanilla extract, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon


  1. Bring your non dairy milk, coconut cream, pinch of sea salt, optional ingredients to a boil. (I almost always use flax, cinnamon, and a splash of vanilla)
  2. Add oats and turn down heat.
  3. Simmer on low stirring often for about 7 minutes. If you need to add more water. I usually add another 1/3 cup.
  4. After the oats are done cooking, add more almond milk.
  5. Stir well and top with your favorites and enjoy!

Do you prefer old fashioned oats or steel cut?

Tell me your favorite oatmeal combos….I am all about fun toppings.

Have you tried savory oats?

Favorite Sunday Brunch?

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