Running on the Beach, Swimming in the Ocean, and Celebrating My Mom in Kure Beach



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I can hardly believe we are half way through September and so far this month I have only bogged once. Did you notice😉? In all honestly, since my blog doesn’t get a whole lot of traffic, it doesn’t surprise me. In any case, I do have a very good excuse for not blogging much this month…….VACATION!

Missing my husband in this group photo since he was taking the pic❤️.

Last weekend my brother, sister-in-law, my husband, myself and my mom flew down to North Carolina to visit my other brother and his family. Unfortunately not everyone could make the trip, but there is always next year. We had so much fun that my one brother decided we should make this an annual occurrence. We’ll see, but I am all for it.


Our first sunrise on Kure Beach took my breath away.

I stopped after my run and just took it all in!

It was so beautiful…..I could have stared at it for hours.

Rob and I enjoyed both running and walking on the beach!

This is one of my favorite photos from the weekend of Rob and I, messy hair and all.

Time for a swim

Later that afternoon we took a boat ride and my nieces convinced me to take a swim. My first words once I came up from my dive was, “it’s salty!” “No kidding Karen…it’s the ocean”. The water temps were perfect and it did feel amazing.

The Ladies ❤️

It was such a relaxing afternoon, and the best part, even my mom enjoyed enjoyed herself. She was a bit apprehensive thinking it may be too rocky but it was smooth sailing….I mean boating😉! We came back hungry and my brother Bruce had quite the feast planned for us!

Hard Shell Crab & Oysters…Right photo is the “after-math”

Dinner was AMAZING. Fresh hard shell crab and oysters. I sucked at dissembling the crab so I had to ask my husband for a little help…actually a lot of help. What little crab I did find was really good, but after two attempts I gave up and moved on to an oyster.

Pleasantly Surprised but I think I’ll stick to smoked oysters in the tin😂.

Note, I did not shuck my oyster either! My brothers are masters at it…see my Instagram Kure Beach Reel.. Unlike my brothers who ate close 20 or more, I had two…My vote = 4 out of 10.

When I thought the night couldn’t get any better, this happened 🥰.

My nieces and sister-in-law arranged a surprise early birthday celebration for my mom. It was definitley the highlight of the trip! She was dumbfounded and had the sweetest emotion! Check out my cute! What a great day and night!

Our second sunrise was as beautiful as our first! I am not sure if this would ever get old. I love everything about running on the beach! Unfortunately I also love running in the mountains in Montana! Maybe when I retire we can live part time on the beach, part time in the mountains, and also spend time in Italy! My dream!

Vacation Beach Miles are the BEST!

Sunday Morning I got up before sunrise to run along the beach. It was super cool to see the sun come up as I ran towards it. My sister-in-law shot this cool video. I definitley could get used to running here.

Best Mom Ever!

I also love this photo of my mom and I! Kure Beach sunrises have to be the most beautiful ones I have ever seen.

Check out this coffee shop if you go to Carolina Beach….super cute! Amazing coffee too!

On Sunday while the men were out on the boat again, this time with a fishing guide, the lades went for coffee in a near by town called Carolina Beach. I can’t remember the name of the coffee shop, but it was super cute and had damn good coffee.

Board-Walks are the best kind of Walks!

Unfortunately, none of the shops were open but we did go for a nice walk along the board walk. It was another beautiful morning. The guys thought so too👍.

The guys had just as much fun as the gals and we were all elated to have fresh fish for dinner! They caught 17 Spanish Mackerel. They were all cleaned and ready for grilling later that evening! But first up a day at the beach.

This felt AMAZING!

I am not sure what I enjoyed more, laying in the sun or riding the waves? I have to admit, the waves won a couple times taking me down big time. My nieces…“there goes Karen” The only thing showing was my leg and feet straight up in the air for a brief moment. I was a sandy mess when I came back up. It was hilarious once I realized I didn’t break my neck.

This was Fun but OMG….Watch OUT!

I was very ready to be done swimming for the day after that wipe-out. We all headed back to get cleaned up and start dinner. My brother grilled the fish and the rest of us prepared all the sides. Everything was incredibly fresh tasting.

Grilled Fresh Spanish Mackerel

We all agreed with my brother….we need to make this an annual thing. In any case, we highly recommend visiting Kure Beach! It’s a cute town and the beaches are great.

Until Next time

How about you….Do you love the beach?

Or do you prefer the mountains?

Do you enjoy running on the beach?

When and where is your next vacation?

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