Memorial Day Creamy Blueberry Cauliflower Smoothie, Why Discipline is More Important than Motivation

Delicious and easy, this Creamy Blueberry Cauliflower Smoothie was a perfect way to end my run on Memorial Day.


It is surely going to be a new favorite. It’s made with just 8 ingredients, it is vegan and dairy-free. high in protein, low in carbs, and a great way to get more vegetables in your diet.

Yes to Cauliflower in a Smoothie!

If you’re not doing this, why not?

Putting frozen cauliflower in a smoothie used to sound disgusting to me but the more I saw others doing it, the more I thought I was missing out on a clever way to get more veggies in my daily diet.

I am a HUGE cauli lover! I love it roasted, in a soup, a salad, and this popcorn is to die for! It’s one of the most versatile veggies on the planet! Plus it is an awesome source of fiber, vitamins, riboflavin, niacin, magnesium, and protein. So, I try to sneak that white veggie into my life wherever I can…therefore cauliflower in my smoothies became almost a daily ritual.

Can you taste cauliflower in smoothies?

You know the old saying, “don’t knock it till you try it!” It’s not weird, gross, or even funky!

This has 3 servings of veggies!

I’m here to tell you that cauliflower makes a smoothie super creamy and veggie-loaded without changing the flavor. Adding frozen cauliflower into your morning smoothie is a great way get some morning veggies into even the most resistant of veggie eaters! My husband loves veggies but he was quite skeptical when I gave him a taste of this smoothie. He was pleasantly surprised.

Do I need to cook the cauliflower before adding it to my smoothie?

This is totally a personal choice. I use frozen cauliflower rice but you can easily steam whole cauliflower florets and then freeze. You can experiment to see which you prefer.

Does the cauliflower have to be frozen for this smoothie recipe?

In my expert opinion, yes. There is something magical about how frozen cauliflower breaks down in a smoothie to give it a creamy texture while also adding veggies. Like I said above, you are welcome to try dumping raw cauliflower in your smoothies to be the judge yourself.

Trust me, once you discipline yourself to add more veggies to your smoothies, soon it will become a habit.
Discipline is way more important than motivation because it’s what drives you to take action…👇

Never in my wildest dreams did I believe I’d be having a veggie loaded smoothie every day. After just a couple months of disciplining myself to make myself one each day, it became a habit I look forward to.

Discipline and hard work are two things that will bring you way more success before looking for motivation.

Are you ready to get energized with this creamy veggie loaded smoothie…..YEAH!



  • 1 cup cauliflower rice
  • 1/2 cup non-dairy milk (I used unsweetened almond)
  • 1 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1 cup romaine
  • 2 tablespoons almond butter
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds optional
  • 1 serving French Vanilla Protein Powder
  • 2 scoops Collagen9
  • additional water if needed to desired consistency


  1. Combine frozen cauliflower, water, milk, romaine in your blender. Blend until smooth and cauliflower is totally pureed.
  2. Add remaining ingredients to your blender. Blend on high until smooth. Add more water a little at a time if needed to reach desired consistency.
  3. Pour into bowl or glass add top with more berries, coconut, & grain free granola if desired.

Have you tried cauli in your smoothies yet?

Do you like to run in the rain?

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