Is There a Sourdough Revolution?, What Are You Trying That is New? & Sourdough Pancakes



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Has anyone else seen an enormous increase in Delicious Sourdough Bread loaves in their Insta or Facebook feed? Or is it my imagination? Or maybe I am just dreaming about sourdough because it’s so delicious and believe it or not, gut friendly too!

Just a few of my own creations…Such FUN

True confession….I started my sourdough bread baking journey way before our world turned upside down due to this epidemic. Another confession, since our stay at home orders, I have been baking more than just delicious tasty loaves of bread. I find it crazy how much I am enjoying this journey because I much prefer cooking verses baking. But Sourdough baking is a bit like an experiment, which makes this process so much fun for me.

My husband about had a heart attack after he asked me if I was prepping another loaf of sourdough bread. I said “No, I am going to make sourdough pancakes tomorrow morning to have after my long run.

I haven’t made pancakes in over a decade which means I have never made him pancakes. OMG; I am such a bad wife?. Trust me, just becuase I have never made him pancakes until now, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have them on occasion at our favorite brunch spots! And trust me, he still says he’s pretty darn lucky❤️.

But I have to admit, even though I am definitley more of a smoothie gal and love my post workout shakes, these pancakes hit the spot. Because I let the dough ferment over night, they had an extra tang and did pair perfectly with my smoothie. Don’t forget that drizzle of nut butter. Or maybe that’s just my thing, not sure, but I told you I am a nut butter addict. There are worse things to be addicted to aren’t there?

I’ve always said I am a much better cook than a baker, but to give myself some credit….I am loving my new hobby and what perfect timing. I believe there is never a bad time to try something new….

So if you don’t mind me asking, “What have you tried that is new?” Or should I ask, “What have you been afraid to try thinking you may not be that good at it?” That was me! Actually I still get nervous when I think about trying something new. Why? I have no idea. Maybe because we are our own worst critic?

If you have a little more free time right now because of what is going on in your world, this may also a good time for you to try making your own sourdough starter? Or maybe you are sewing masks? Or did you start running again? Have you noticed more and more people out walking, running, jogging, shooting hoops, biking, or just sitting in their yard reading.

And yes, I understand that not everyone does have extra time, espeically moms with young children. Working full time and managing children at the same time has got to be a challenge in itself. In any case, I hope if you do have spare time, you can all try something new, whatever that may be.

I don’t have much free time myself since my work has been crazy busy. Plus I am still running even though I don’t have a race to train for, I am getting better at teaching virtually online, and I am enjoying experimenting with new recipes. I have to admit, my new sourdough bread baking journey has been a ton of fun.

If you do have a sourdough starter and you find it hard to throw away excess starter, you are going to love these pancakes. You’re kids will love them too! They are sooooo YUMMY!



  • 2 large eggs
  • 245g (1 cup) whole milk
  • 61g (1/4 cup) Greek yogurt (optional)
  • 250g (1 1/2 cup, stirred down) sourdough starter
  • 4g (1 teaspoon) vanilla (optional)
  • 180g (1 1/2 cups) all-purpose, einkorn, or a mix of all-purpose and whole wheat, flour
  • 6g (1 teaspoon) baking soda
  • 4g (1 teaspoon) baking powder
  • 5g (1 teaspoon) sea salt
  • 50g (1/4 cup) granulated sugar
  • 63g (1/4 cup or 1/2 stick) melted butter


  1. Combine the milk, sugar, and flour with your sourdough starter and let batter set overnight.
  2. In the morning add the baking soda, baking powder, melted butter or ghee, salt, and vanilla.
  3. Separate your egg yolks from the whites. Whisk the whites till stiff peaks form and slightly beat the yolks with a fork.
  4. Fold both in just before making your pancakes on a smokin’ hot lightly greased griddle.
  5. Do not flip until you see light brown bubbles start to appear on top. Refrain from flipping multiple times. YUM

What are you doing that is new?

Have you tried yoga?

Did you start running?

*I am so happy I decided to start my own sourdough starter months ago and now am trying more recipes besides my crusty tangy loaves of bread.

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